Yang, JingyuLi, KeLi, KunLai, Yu-KunMirela Ben-Chen and Ligang Liu2015-07-062015-07-062015https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12699Non-rigid registration of 3D shapes is an essential task of increasing importance as commodity depth sensors become more widely available for scanning dynamic scenes. Non-rigid registration is much more challenging than rigid registration as it estimates a set of local transformations instead of a single global transformation, and hence is prone to the overfitting issue due to underdetermination. The common wisdom in previous methods is to impose an l2-norm regularization on the local transformation differences. However, the l2-norm regularization tends to bias the solution towards outliers and noise with heavy-tailed distribution, which is verified by the poor goodnessof- fit of the Gaussian distribution over transformation differences. On the contrary, Laplacian distribution fits well with the transformation differences, suggesting the use of a sparsity prior. We propose a sparse non-rigid registration (SNR) method with an l1-norm regularized model for transformation estimation, which is effectively solved by an alternate direction method (ADM) under the augmented Lagrangian framework. We also devise a multi-resolution scheme for robust and progressive registration. Results on both public datasets and our scanned datasets show the superiority of our method, particularly in handling large-scale deformations as well as outliers and noise.I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]Computational Geometry and Object ModelingHierarchy and geometric transformationsSparse Non-rigid Registration of 3D Shapes10.1111/cgf.12699089-099