Sanna, A.Zunino, C.Montrucchio, B.Montuschi, P.D. Ebert and P. Brunet and I. Navazo2014-01-302014-01-3020021-58113-536-X1727-5296 algorithms can effectively represent vector fields by texture-based representations, visualizing at most all information on the field: direction, orientation, and local magnitude. An open problem still remains the mapping on textures of adjunctive information such as temperature, pressure, and so on, without using colors. This article addresses this issue by proposing a technique to add a scalar value denoting streamlines by means of different levels of contrast. Both streamline starting tones and the range of tones depend on the scalar value to be mapped; in this way, areas visualized by different contrast levels are represented. Two examples show the effectiveness of the proposed technique.Adding a scalar value to texture-based vector field representations by local contrast analysis