Kaji, ShizuoHirose, SampeiSakata, ShigehiroMizoguchi, YoshihiroAnjyo, KenJehee Lee and Paul Kry2014-01-292014-01-292012978-3-905674-37-81727-5288https://doi.org/10.2312/SCA/SCA12/071-076This paper gives a simple mathematical framework for 2D shape interpolation methods that preserve rigidity. An interpolation technique in this framework works for given the source and target 2D shapes, which are compatibly triangulated. Focusing on the local affine maps between the corresponding triangles, we describe a global transformation as a piecewise affine map. Several existing rigid shape interpolation techniques are discussed and mathematically analyzed through this framework. This gives us not only a useful comprehensive understanding of existing approaches, but also new algorithms and a few improvements of previous approaches.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationDisplay algorithmsMathematical Analysis on Affine Maps for 2D Shape Interpolation