Ríos, AlejandroBonet, CarlesMorales, J. L.Alavedra, AxelParís, AlejandroGuillén, MarcFco. Javier Melero and Nuria Pelechano2017-06-262017-06-262017978-3-03868-046-8-https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20171210https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/ceig20171210This paper introduces a Serious Game that will be used as a tool for training fire fighting students at the Public Security Institute of Catalonia. The game is played in a virtual environment free of real hazards and/or dangers with the consequent savings in material costs and supplies. The system exposes the student to different emergency situations that the he/she must solve using the professional firefighters tools and following the protocol of actual action provided in each case. It is also possible to interact with different virtual agents to delegate functions and to obtain information about the emergency to be solved. All actions carried out by the user are monitored by the system and are scored at the end of each game taking into account the order and time invested in performing them. In addition, feed-back is offered to improve the player's decision making in future matches.Fireman Rescue: A Serious Game for Fire Fighting Training10.2312/ceig.2017121065-68