Paulson, BrandonWolin, AaronJohnston, JoshuaHammond, TracyChristine Alvarado and Marie-Paule Cani2014-01-282014-01-282008978-3-905674-07-11812-3503 existing domain-specific datasets are readily available, most sketch recognition researchers are forced to collect new data for their particular domain. Creating tools to collect and label sketched data can take time, and, if every researcher creates their own toolset, much time is wasted that could be better suited toward advanced research. Additionally, it is often the case that other researchers have performed collection studies and collected the same types of sketch data, resulting in large duplications of effort. We propose, and have built, a generalpurpose sketch collection and verification tool that allows researchers to design custom user studies through an online applet residing on our group's web page. By hosting such a tool through our site, we hope to provide researchers with a quick and easy way of collecting data. Additionally, our tool serves to create a universal repository of sketch data that can be made readily available to other sketch recognition researchers.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Interaction stylesSOUSA: Sketch-based Online User Study Applet