Guébert, ChristopheDuriez, ChristianGrisoni, LaurentFrancois Faure and Matthias Teschner2014-02-012014-02-012008978-3-905673-70-8 paper introduces a generic way of dealing with a set of different constraints (bilateral, unilateral, dry friction) in the context of interactive simulation. We show that all the mentioned constraints can be handled within a unified framework: we define the notion of generalized constraints, which can be derived into most classical constraints types. The solving method is based on an implicit treatment of constraints that provides good stability for interactive applications using deformable models and rigid bodies. Each constraint law is expressed in constraint subspace, making constraint evaluation much easier. A global solution is calculated using an iterative process that takes into account the mechanical coupling between the constraints. Various examples, from basic to more complex, show the practical advantage of using generalized constraints, as a way of creating heterogeneously constrained systems, as well as the scalability of the proposed method.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism Keywords: physically-based animation, constraints, collision, rigid bodies, deformable models, interactive applications, modified Gauss-SeidelUnified Processing of Constraints for Interactive Simulation