Herrera, VanesaAlbusac, JavierSchez-Sobrino, SantiagoReyes-Guzmán, AnaGlez-Morcillo, CarlosMarco, JulioPatow, Gustavo2024-06-032024-06-032024978-3-03868-261-5https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20241142https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/ceig20241142Virtual reality (VR) is a promising technology that offers physical and emotional benefits for traditional rehabilitation. However, interaction with the virtual environment can be an obstacle for patients with reduced mobility, and even more so in the case of VR-based rehabilitation, where the movements required in traditional rehabilitation have to be simulated. This difficulty highlights the need to adapt the virtual environment to the capabilities of each patient. In this study, we present a novel system designed to automatically adjust the positioning of objects within the VR environment. The system, based on data from a previous calibration, is aimed at upper limb rehabilitation, especially in patients with cervical spinal cord injury (cSCI). It incorporates algorithms capable of detecting and relocating virtual objects used in various rehabilitation exercises, ensuring better localisation within the virtual space. The main objective of this system is to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment, while facilitating adaptation to individual patient needs and exercise characteristics. Preliminary results from a pilot test with healthy subjects are promising and support the efficacy of this system, laying a solid foundation for its implementation in patients with cSCI.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Virtual reality; Accessibility systems and tools; User centered design; Applied computing → Health care information systemsCCS ConceptsHuman centered computing → Virtual realityAccessibility systems and toolsUser centered designApplied computing → Health care information systemsDynamic Adjustment of Interactive Objects in Virtual Environments for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Patient-Centred Solution10.2312/ceig.2024114210 pages