Wagner, JenniferWinter, SimonHöhl, WolfgangPelechano, NuriaLiarokapis, FotisRohmer, DamienAsadipour, Ali2023-10-022023-10-022023978-3-03868-233-2https://doi.org/10.2312/imet.20231254https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/imet20231254This demo paper develops a game concept titled "Tales of Aurora". This serious strategy game introduces the concept of chemical elements and compounds, biological processes and comprehensive life-cycle dependencies to a younger audience. Instead of high-level real-life knowledge we focussed on gaming fun, magic and imagination. This game incorporates a unique crafting system that teaches chemical compounds. Four basic elements are represented by seven imaginative plants. We enhance player identification, motivation and engagement by introducing an evolving animal companion named "Aurora". "Aurora" has the ability to transform based on consumed compounds. The game is divided into two phases. By day the player cultivates and places specific plants. At night the farm gets attacked by increasingly stronger enemies. The game therefore implements a counter-based combat system that requires players to apply their learned knowledge effectively, further captivating and engaging them throughout the learning experience.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Interaction design; Interaction design process and methods; User centered designHuman centered computingInteraction designInteraction design process and methodsUser centered designUnraveling the Tales of Aurora - An Imaginative Serious Games Approach10.2312/imet.2023125439-402 pages