Hettinga, Gerben JanBarendrecht, Pieter J.Kosinka, JiriDiamanti, Olga and Vaxman, Amir2018-04-142018-04-1420181017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egs.20181041https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egs20181041We propose an augmentation of the traditional tessellation pipeline with several different strategies that efficiently render multisided patches using generalised barycentric coordinates. The strategies involve different subdivision steps and the usage of textures. In addition, we show that adaptive tessellation techniques naturally extend to some of these strategies whereas others need a slight adjustment. The technique of Loop et al. [LSNC09], commonly known as ACC-2, is extended to multisided faces to illustrate the effectiveness of multisided techniques. A performance and quality comparison is made between the different strategies and remarks on the techniques and implementation details are provided.Computing methodologiesRenderingMesh geometry modelsParametric curve and surface modelsA Comparison of GPU Tessellation Strategies for Multisided Patches10.2312/egs.2018104145-48