Saraiva, CarlosOliveira, João FradinhoPereira, João MadeirasAraújo, Bruno Rodrigues deCoelho, António and Cláudio, Ana Paula2021-06-182021-06-182021978-3-03868-154-0 rendering techniques take the approach of rendering new images based on existing ones, effec­tively separating the rendering complexity from the geometric complexity of the scene they represent. With the advance of hardware capabilities, these techniques have regained interest. However, the creation of images pre­viously mentioned is error-prone, so computation must be done in order to correct them. This paper presents a comparison between the uncorrected errors apparent in billboards when the applied texture is generated with a perspective or with orthographic projection.A Comparison of Orthographic and Perspective Projections in the Generation of Textures for Billboards10.2312/pt.20091233241-250