Olivier, PaulineChabrier, RenaudMemari, PooranColl, Jean-LucCani, Marie-PauleHansen, ChristianProcter, JamesRenata G. RaidouJönsson, DanielHöllt, Thomas2023-09-192023-09-192023978-3-03868-216-52070-5786https://doi.org/10.2312/vcbm.20231214https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/vcbm20231214In the field of biology, digital illustrations play a crucial role in conveying complex phenomena, allowing for idealized shapes and motion, in contrast to data visualization. In the absence of suitable media, scientists often rely on oversimplified 2D figures or have to call in professional artists to create better illustrations, which can be limiting. We introduce Bio-Sketch, a novel progressive sketching system designed to ease the creation of animated illustrations, as exemplified here in the context of the infection phenomenon. Our solution relies on a new progressive sketching paradigm that seamlessly combines 3D modeling and pattern-based shape distribution to create background volume and temporal animation control. The elements created can be assembled into a complex scenario, enabling narrative design experiments for educational applications in biology. Our results and first feedback from experts in illustration and biology demonstrate the potential of Bio-Sketch to assist communication on the infection phenomenon, helping to bridge the gap between expert and non-expert audiences.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Computer graphics; Human-centered computing -> Interaction designComputing methodologiesComputer graphicsHuman centered computingInteraction designBio-Sketch: A New Medium for Interactive Storytelling Illustrated by the Phenomenon of Infection10.2312/vcbm.2023121463-7412 pages