Li, YongJu, TaoHu, Shi-Min2015-02-232015-02-2320101467-8659 ability to quickly and intuitively edit digital contents has become increasingly important in our everyday life. We propose a novel method for propagating a sparse set of user edits (e.g., changes in color, brightness, contrast, etc.) expressed as casual strokes to nearby regions in an image or video with similar appearances. Existing methods for edit propagation are typically based on optimization, whose computational cost can be prohibitive for large inputs. We re-formulate propagation as a function interpolation problem in a high-dimensional space, which we solve very efficiently using radial basis functions. While simple to implement, our method significantly improves the speed and space cost of existing methods, and provides instant feedback of propagation results even on large images and videos.Instant Propagation of Sparse Edits on Images and Videos10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01791.x2049-2054