Gillmann, ChristinaArbeláez, PabloHernández, José TiberioHagen, HansWischgoll, ThomasBarbora Kozlikova and Tobias Schreck and Thomas Wischgoll2017-06-122017-06-122017978-3-03868-043-7 image data can be affected by several image errors. These errors can lead to uncertain or wrong diagnosis in clinical daily routine. A large variety of image error metrics are available that target different aspects of image quality forming a highdimensional error space, which cannot be reviewed trivially. To solve this problem, this paper presents a novel error space exploration technique that is suitable for clinical daily routine. Therefore, the clinical workflow for reviewing medical data is extended by error space cluster information, that can be explored by user-defined selections. The presented tool was applied to two real-world datasets to show its effectiveness.KeywordsMedical VisualizationMultivariate VisualizationError Space ExplorationIntuitive Error Space Exploration of Medical Image Data in Clinical Daily Routine10.2312/eurovisshort.20171148145-149