Décoret, XavierDebunne, GillesSillion, FrançoisPhilip Dutre and Frank Suykens and Per H. Christensen and Daniel Cohen-Or2014-01-272014-01-2720033-905673-03-71727-3463https://doi.org/10.2312/EGWR/EGWR03/281-288This paper presents a novel method for computing visibility in 2.5D environments based on a novel theoretical result: the visibility from a region can be conservatively estimated by computing the visibility from a point using appropriately "shrunk" occluders and occludees. We show how approximate, yet conservative, shrunk objects can be efficiently computed in an urban environment. The technique provides a tighter potentially visible set (PVS) compared to the original method in which only occluders are shrunk. Finally, theoretical implications of the shrinking theorem are discussed, opening new research directions.Erosion Based Visibility Preprocessing