Massidda, MarcelloTravaglini, LauraPescarin, SofiaBucciero, AlbertoFanini, BrunoGraf, HolgerPescarin, SofiaRizvic, Selma2023-09-022023-09-022023978-3-03868-217-22312-6124 Digital Narrative Authoring Tools (IDN-AT) are software applications that allow users, without the need for programming skills, to create, design, and publish interactive digital narrative applications. In the field of Digital Heritage and specifically in that of Virtual Museums there is an increasing need of such tools, to enable non programmers (designers, creatives and curators) to design and develop hybrid experiences in cultural contexts. This paper aims at reviewing available solutions, defining the gaps and still missing features, tools or services, with the goal of paving the way for a webXR integrated solution.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts Human-centered computing → Interaction design process and methods; Empirical studies in interaction design; Applied computing → Arts and humanitiesCCS Concepts Humancentered computing → Interaction design process and methodsEmpirical studies in interaction designApplied computing → Arts and humanitiesInteractive Digital Narrative Authoring Tools and Hybrid Experiences in Cultural Heritage: An Integrated Review10.2312/gch.2023115531-355 pages