Karciauskas, KestutisPeters, JorgMemari, PooranSolomon, Justin2023-06-302023-06-3020231467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14900https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf14900The idea of improving multi-sided piecewise polynomial surfaces, by explicitly prescribing their behavior at a central surface point, allows for decoupling shape finding from enforcing local smoothness constraints. Quadratic-Attraction Subdivision determines the completion of a quadratic expansion at the central point to attract a differentiable subdivision surface towards bounded curvature, with good shape also in-the-large.CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Parametric curve and surface models; Mathematics of computing -> Continuous functionsComputing methodologiesParametric curve and surface modelsMathematics of computingContinuous functionsQuadratic-Attraction Subdivision10.1111/cgf.1490011 pages