Pfaff, MatthiasWuethrich, Charles AlbertJohn Dingliana and Fabio Ganovelli2014-02-012014-02-012007978-3-905673-65-4 paper presents a method for the real time simulation of the dynamical behaviour of elastic objects which bases on the medial surface. From a surface based 3D model, the medial surface is generated automatically without any intervention by the user. The medial surface is used as a skeleton for movement. It is connected to the surface of the model through a mass-spring system based on surface bone points that allows the simulation of surface movement. A new technique for constraining movement within the mass-spring system is used to stabilize the physical shape of the object. Different parameter settings allow the simulation of a variety of different elastic materials. Joints can be applied and simulated by parting the skeleton into different joint sections.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling]: AnimationMedial Surface-Based Real Time Simulation of Elastic Objects