Magnenat-Thalmann, NadiaThalmann, DanielFua, PascalVexo, FredericKim, HyungSeokMing Lin and Celine Loscos2015-07-192015-07-192005 Outline of the tutorial<br> 1.1 Concepts and State of the Art of mixed realities in inhabited worlds<br> 1.1.1 Mixed Realities in inhabited worlds<br> 1.1.2 Believability and Presence<br> 1.2 Perception, Sensors and Immersive hardware for MR in Inhabited Worlds<br> 1.2.1 Vision Based 3D Tracking and Pose Estimation for MR <br> 1.2.2 Perception and sensors for Virtual Humans<br> 1.2.3 Hardware for mixed reality inhabited virtual world<br> 1.2.4 Emotional and conversational virtual humans<br> 1.3 MR in various applications<br> 1.3.1 Simulating Life in mixed realities Pompei world<br> 1.3.2 Simulating actors and audiences in ancient theaters<br> 1.3.3 MR in STAR, an industrial project<br> 1.3.4 Feeling presence in the treatment of social phobia<br> 2. Syllabus<br> 3. Resume of the presenters<br> 4. Selected Publications<br>EG 2005 Tutorial on Mixed Realities in Inhabited Worlds10.2312/egt.200510501-78