Schoedon, AlexanderTrapp, MatthiasHollburg, HenningDöllner, JürgenEnrico Bertini and Niklas Elmqvist and Thomas Wischgoll2016-06-092016-06-092016978-3-03868-014-7- is a fundamental aspect in transportation, routing, and spare-time activity planning concerning traveling in modern cities. In this context, interactive web-based accessibility-map visualization techniques and systems are important tools for provisioning, exploration, analysis, and assessment of multi-modal and location-based travel time data and routing information. To enable their effective application, such interactive visualization techniques demands for flexible mappings with respect to user-adjustable parameters such as maximum travel times, the types of transportation used, or used color schemes. However, traditional approaches for web-based visualization of accessibility-maps do not allow this degree of parametrization without significant latencies introduced by required data processing and transmission between the routing server and the visualization client. This paper presents a novel web-based visualization technique that allows for efficient client-side mapping and rendering of accessibility data onto transportation networks using WebGL and the OpenGL transmission format. A performance evaluation and comparison shows the superior performance of the approach over alternative implementations.E.1.3 [Data]Data StructuresGraphs and networks H.3.5 [Information Systems]Online Information ServicesWebbased servicesI.3.6 [Computer Graphics]Methodology and TechniquesGraphics data structures and data typesInteractive Web-based Visualization for Accessibility Mapping of Transportation Networks10.2312/eurovisshort.2016116579-83