Pham, VungDang, TommyBujack, Roxana and Feige, Kathrin and Rink, Karsten and Zeckzer, Dirk2019-06-022019-06-022019978-3-03868-086-4 soil is an essential element of life. It is where people grow plants for food, fibers, and other materials. It also helps to filter water and recycles wastes. Therefore, understanding soil physical/chemical characteristics and structural aggregation are of vital importance. In this project, we work closely with the soil scientists to develop a visualization solution to the rapidly gaining favor approach to soil horizon analysis using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) devices. Our visualization, called SOAViz, aims to provide soil scientists with rapid valuable insights into soil properties both visually perceptible with graphs and imperceptible quantification features with statistical calculations from the data collected from pXRF equipment. SOAViz was developed with analysis tasks solicited from the soil scientists and validated by applying to real soil profiles collected in an Experimental Rangeland in Lubbock, TX, USA. This visual solution together with the quick scanning results from pXRF devices offers a timely means of quantifying elemental concentrations in the soil horizons in large scale at a reduced cost.SOAViz: Visualization for Portable X-ray Fluorescence Soil Profiles10.2312/envirvis.2019110233-40