Wischgoll, ThomasScheuermann, GerikD. Ebert and P. Brunet and I. Navazo2014-01-302014-01-3020021-58113-536-X1727-5296https://doi.org/10.2312/VisSym/VisSym02/227-232The analysis and visualization of flows is a central problem in visualization. Topology based methods have gained increasing interest in recent years. This article describes a method for the detection of closed streamlines in 3D flows. It is based on a special treatment of cases where a streamline reenters a cell to prevent infinite cycling during streamline calculation. The algorithm checks for possible exits of a loop of crossed faces and detects structurally stable closed streamlines. These global features are not detected by conventional topology and feature detection algorithms.Locating Closed Streamlines in 3D Vector Fields