Murase, KaoriOgi, TetsuroSaito, KoutaKoyama, TakahideBernd Froehlich and Roland Blach and Robert van Liere2014-01-312014-01-312007978-3-905673-64-7 paper proposes an immersive augmented reality display system, named "AR View", that generates a high presence augmented reality environment using the immersive projection technology. In this system, the stereoscopic image of virtual objects, projected onto a floor screen by stereo projectors and real objects placed in front of, or behind, a highly transparent mirror film are combined optically, using the mirror, placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. In order to create correct occlusion effect in over large area of the augmented realty environment, light projectors have been used to illuminate the surface of real objects using the occlusion shadow function, rather than standard light bulbs. The AR View was applied to various applications such as the high presence communication using a video avatar, by connecting it to a broadband network.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.1 [Computer Graphics]: Three-dimensional displaysImmersive Augmented Reality Display System Using a Large Semi-transparent Mirror