Toothman, NickNeff, MichaelBernhard Thomaszewski and KangKang Yin and Rahul Narain2017-12-312017-12-312017978-1-4503-5091-4 advancements have made it easier to work with digital characters, it remains difficult to author animations that display the free and highly expressive shape change that characterize hand-drawn animation.We present a deformation method that combines skeletal control and free shape change in a single framework, along with an intuitive, sketch-based interface. By finding attachment points between the mesh and skeleton, we enable con gurable skeleton and surface-based deformations, and avoid common skinning artifacts. Use of sketch-based interfaces and graphics hardware make both skeletal and mesh deformation simple to control and fast enough for interactive use.Computing methodologies AnimationShape modelingMesh geometry modelsshape controldeformationskinninganimationAttachment-Based Character Deformation10.1145/3099564.3108161Nick Toothman and Michael Neff-Computing methodologies Animation; Shape modeling; Mesh geometry models; shape control, deformation, skinning, animation