Arangua, AlejandroPatow, GustavoBesuievsky, GonzaloPosada, JorgeSerrano, Ana2022-06-222022-06-222022978-3-03868-186-1 the increase in popularity of procedural urban modeling for film, TV, and interactive entertainment, an urgent need for editing tools to support procedural content creation has become apparent. In this paper, we present an end-to-end system for creating a library of reusable procedural parts in a rule-based setting to address this need. No trivial extension exists to perform this action in a way such that the resulting ruleset is ready for production. For procedural reusable parts, we need to handle the rulesets extracted from the source graphs, and later on, merge them with a target graph to obtain a final consistent ruleset. As one of the main contributions of our system, we introduce a library of reusable parts that could be seamlessly glued to other graphs and obtain consistent new procedural buildings. Hence, we focus on intuitive and minimal user interaction, and our editing operations perform interactively to provide immediate feedback.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseReusable Procedural Building Parts10.2312/ceig.2022114333-375 pages