Pimenta, WaldirSantos, Luis P.B. Solenthaler and E. Puppo2015-04-152015-04-152015https://doi.org/10.2312/egp.20151042We present a preliminary investigation of the compressibility of Physically-Based Computer-Generated Holograms (PB CGHs) as represented in various bases. The goal is to identify which bases, if any, are suitable for applying the principles of Compressed Sensing (CS) to the generation of PB CGHs. The Fourier, DCT and Haar wavelet bases were selected, as a representative sample of the time-frequency spectrum of representation bases, and evaluated according to several quality metrics. Contrary to what previous research suggested, we found that the DCT basis, not the Haar wavelet one, in general yielded better results.E.4 [Coding and Information Theory]Data compaction and compressionI.4.2 [Compression (coding)]Approximate methodsG.1.2 [Approximation]Fast Fourier transforms (FFT)Wavelets and fractalsEvaluation of the compressibility of Computer-Generated Holograms10.2312/egp.2015104222-23