Ma, RuibinZhao, QingyuWang, RuiDamon, JamesRosenman, JulianPizer, StephenFu, Hongbo and Ghosh, Abhijeet and Kopf, Johannes2018-10-072018-10-072018978-3-03868-073-4 of a generalized cylinder with a parameterized shape change of its centerline is a non-trivial task when the surface is represented as a high-resolution triangle mesh, particularly when self-intersection and local distortion are to be avoided. We introduce a deformation approach that satisfies these properties based on the skeleton (densely sampled centerline and cross sections) of a generalized cylinder. Our approach uses the relative curvature condition to extract a reasonable centerline for a generalized cylinder whose orthogonal cross sections will not intersect. Given the desired centerline shape as a parametric curve, the displacements on the cross sections are determined while controlling for twisting effects, and under this constraint a vertex-wise displacement field is calculated by minimizing a quadratic surface bending energy. The method is tested on complicated generalized cylindrical objects. In particular, we discuss one application of the method for human colon (large intestine) visualization.Computing methodologiesMesh modelsParametric curve and surface modelsShape analysisSkeleton-based Generalized Cylinder Deformation under the Relative Curvature Condition10.2312/pg.2018127537-40