Bertini, EnricoRigamonti, MaurizioLalanne, DenisH.-C. Hege, I. Hotz, and T. Munzner2014-02-212014-02-2120091467-8659 paper presents an extension to the Excentric Labeling, a labeling technique to dynamically show labels around a movable lens. Each labels refers to one object within the lens and is connected to it through a line. The original implementation has several known limitations and potential improvements that we address in this work, like: high density areas, uneven density distributions, and summary statistics. We describe the implemented extensions and present a think-aloud user study. The study shows that users can naturally understand and easily operate the majority of the implemented function but label scrolling, which requires additional research. From the study we also gained unanticipated requirements and interesting directions for further research.Extended Excentric Labeling