Capece, NicolaErra, UgoGruosso, MonicaAnastasio, MarcoSpagnuolo, Michela and Melero, Francisco Javier2020-11-172020-11-172020978-3-03868-110-62312-6124 games are very used educational tools that are proposed as entertainment games but with educational elements within them. Their focus is to create a practical and enjoyable learning experience using the latest innovative technologies such as human-computer interaction and 3D visualization systems. We use these two technologies to develop a 3D puzzle game where the users have to reconstruct ancient historical artifacts by using their hands tracked through the Leap Motion controller. The game has incremental difficulty and will test users in increasingly demanding challenges by proposing experiential learning, trying to impress in their minds the information contained in the game through the feeling during the gameplay by implementing the "Learning by doing" concept. Finally, we designed a controlled experiment to evaluate the sentiment, user experience, usability, and effectiveness of our tool, which will be carried out in future developments.Natural User Interface [HumanComputer Interaction]3D reconstructionEducation Virtual Heritage Serious GameArchaeo Puzzle: An Educational Game Using Natural User Interface for Historical Artifacts10.2312/gch.2020130199-102