Sumanaweera, ThilakaConti, FrancoisMaguire, PatrickPaolo Cignoni and Jiri Sochor2015-07-142015-07-142007 software tool to analyze 4D cardiac CT data sets for planning radiosurgical ablations in the heart is presented. Volume rendering and data processing are performed using a GPU. The user visualizes the data from inside the left atrium and defines the target in 3D using an intuitive user interface. A haptic input device lets the user measure motion at the ostia of the pulmonary veins for radiosurgical treatment planning. This tool has been used effectively for generating radiation treatment plans for animal studies.Analysis of the Pulmonary Vein Ostia using Cardiac 4DCT for Radiosurgical Ablation10.2312/egs.20071050125-126