Pelchmann, LauraBremm, SebastianEbell, KerstinLandesberger, Tatiana vonGillmann, ChristinaKrone, MichaelLenti, Simone2023-06-102023-06-102023978-3-03868-220-2 present an exploratory study of semantically resonant colors for combinations of categories. The goal is to support color selection of multi-labeled classes of classified data. We asked participants to assign colors to different categories in the meteorological domain and then to their combinations. Our results show that the colors chosen for the combinations are related to the colors for the individual categories. We also found indications that people tend to prefer darker color values for combinations of categories. Our results can be used to color code meteorological data.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Visualization; Scientific visualization; Visualization design and evaluation methodsHuman centered computingVisualizationScientific visualizationVisualization design and evaluation methodsExplorative Study on Semantically Resonant Colors for Combinations of Categories with Application to Meteorological Data10.2312/evp.2023106133-353 pages