Graça, David M.Guerreiro, TiagoJorge, Joaquim A.Creissac Campos, José and Gonçalves, Daniel2021-06-182021-06-182021978-3-03868-155-7, we can find ourselves surrounded by technology, whether in public spaces, our homes or even within our body space. It is difficult to imagine how we could survive without some of the devices, and their functions, that we take for granted today but were not available a few years ago. However, some persons are deprived from this control which limits not only their movement and life quality but also the overall control over the surrounding environment. This document describes EasyHouse, a domotic multimodal platform for tetraplegics based on a matrix metaphor. The system uses gestures, classifying them into 8 basic movements, and speech as the main input modes. Results showed high user satisfaction and easy interaction while providing a low error rate.Assistive TechnologiesMotor DisabledMultimodalityDomotic SystemEasyHouse: A Multimodal Domotic System for the Tetraplegic10.2312/pt.20081278251-254