Jhang, Jia-WunChang, Chun-FaBittner, JirĂ­ and Waldner, Manuela2021-04-092021-04-092021978-3-03868-134-21017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egp.20211032https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egp20211032When we think of hybrid rendering of rasterization and ray tracing, we often consider rasterization as a mean to solve the primary rays and then consider ray tracing as a mean to add secondary effects. We take a different approach to combine ray tracing and rasterization, in which our final output images are still produced with a path tracer. We leverage the GPU rasterization to build the necessary data that are required for path guidng, thus improves the convergence of our path tracer. We borrow the ideas of Voxel Cone Tracing and implement it in GPU shaders to build the path guiding data. The advantage of our proposed hybrid approach is that it maintains the unbiased results of a Monte Carlo path tracer while incurring relatively small performance hit in path guiding, as shown in our preliminary results.An Unbiased Hybrid Rendering Approach to Path Guiding10.2312/egp.2021103215-16