Fita, Josep LluisBesuievsky, GonzaloPatow, GustavoRizvic, Selma and Rodriguez Echavarria, Karina2019-11-062019-11-062019978-3-03868-082-62312-6124 Reality has been used in Cultural Heritage for providing immersive experiences of recreated and static environments to the final user. However, there is a lack of virtual reality applications for recreating natural phenomena like earthquakes in combination with structural simulations over ancient masonry buildings. In this paper, we describe a solution affordable for all kind of users and designed for running on low-cost devices, where users can have an immersive experience in a virtual environment, where the structural and seismic simulation affects a historical building.Computing methodologiesPhysical simulationApplied computingVirtual RealitySeismic Simulation on Virtual Reality10.2312/gch.2019134529-32