Fita, Josep LluisBesuievsky, GonzaloPatow, Gustavo A.Casas, Dan and Jarabo, Adrián2019-06-252019-06-252019978-3-03868-093-2 Reality has traditionally been used in Cultural Heritage for giving to the final user an immersive experience over recreated scenarios, which usually have been designed and focused on static environment recreation. In spite of its importance for cultural heritage, we have found a lack of virtual reality applications to recreate structural and seismic simulations on historical buildings. In this paper we describe a low-cost virtual reality solution, affordable for all kinds of users that own a smart-phone. Through our application, the users can have an immersive experience that combines the ancient building recreation, its structural simulation and the natural phenomena simulation like earthquakes.Computing methodologiesPhysical simulationApplied computingVirtual RealityA Virtual Reality Front-End for Earthquake Simulation10.2312/ceig.2019120459-67