Stout, SamanthaStrawson, JamesLo, EricKuester, FalkoGabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere Brunet2016-01-062016-01-062015978-1-5090-0048-7 WAVEcam has been designed to automate and accelerate the workflow for technical photography and spectroscopy in the digital documentation of relatively planar cultural heritage artifacts. The imaging platform allows for customized usage scenarios through the ability to design and fabricate mounting brackets based on need. In this case-study based demonstration of the WAVEcam, we show enhancements of the typical workflow, including speed, resolution, and user involvement through the implementation of technical photography (acquiring multispectral mosaic images), and x-ray fluorescence point-based spectroscopy for heritage documentation and diagnostics. The WAVEcam is a robust ultra-high resolution imaging platform uniquely adapted to acquiring images for wide-angle visualization environments.Ultrahigh resolution imagingRoboticsAutonomousDigitizationSpectroscopyMultispectral ImagingThe WAVEcam: Ultra-High Resolution Imaging of Paintings10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7413873