Schmidt, S.Bruder, G.Steinicke, F.Tony Huang and Arindam Dey2017-11-212017-11-212017978-3-03868-052-9 present first approaches to manipulate perceived spatial relationships between the user and real-world objects by introducing perceptual illusions to a projection-based augmented reality (AR) environment. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of three monoscopic illusions, which are inspired by visual arts, i. e., (i) color temperature, (ii) luminance contrast and (iii) blur. The results provide positive indications that computer-generated projected illusions can influence the human depth perception in such an environment, even in the presence of additional conflicting depth cues.Humancentered computingMixed / augmented realityEmpirical studies in HCIA Pilot Study of Altering Depth Perception with Projection-Based Illusions10.2312/egve.2017138033-34