Azuma, ShotaHertzog, ClaraSakurai, ShoHirota, KoichiNojima, TakuyaKakehi, Yasuaki and Hiyama, Atsushi2019-09-112019-09-112019978-3-03868-097-01727-530X last few years many systems and methods have been developed to provide information to spectators about a sport game such as baseball, basketball, soccer, etc. Among them, Augmented Sport is one of the emerging area that intends to merge video game concept into physical sports. This project focuses on merging game elements such as Health Points (HP), Attack Power (AP) and Defense Power (DP) to improve enjoyment and variety of players. During Augmented Dodgeball games, the spectators can visualize via the Mixed Reality device additional parameters such as HP, AP and DP of each player. This data is superimposed onto each physical players by virtue of AR markers they wear. To avoid marker occlusion issues, fixed camera(s) are also used to inquire player's physical information and share it via a database. Studies have been conducted in order to find out the best displaying design, methods and limits of the system.Humancentered computingMixed / augmented realityAugmented Dodgeball AR Viewer for Spectators10.2312/egve.2019130025-26