Watanabe, KokiNakamura, FumihikoSakurada, KuniharuTeo, TheophilusSugimoto, MakiHideaki UchiyamaJean-Marie Normand2022-11-292022-11-292022978-3-03868-179-31727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20221276https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20221276Adding force feedback to virtual reality applications enhances the immersive experience. We propose a prototype, featuring head-based multi-directional force feedback in a virtual environment. We designed the prototype by integrating four ducted fans into a head-mounted display. Our technical evaluation of the ducted fan revealed the force characteristics of the ducted fan, including presentable power, sound level, and latency. In the first part of our study, we investigated the minimum force that a user can perceive in different directions (forward/backward force; up/down/left/right rotational force). The result suggested the absolute detection threshold for each directional force. Following that, we evaluated the impact of using force feedback through an immersive flight simulation in the second part of our study. The result indicates that our technique significantly improved user enjoyment, comfort, and visual-and-tactile perception, and reduced simulator sickness in an immersive flight simulation.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Haptic devices; Virtual reality; Hardware -> Haptic devicesHuman centered computingHaptic devicesVirtual realityHardwareHaptic devicesAn Integrated Ducted Fan-Based Multi-Directional Force Feedback with a Head Mounted Display10.2312/egve.2022127655-639 pages