Huang, ZeyangArchambault, DanielBorgo, RitaKerren, AndreasTominski, ChristianWaldner, ManuelaWang, Bei2024-05-172024-05-172024978-3-03868-251-6 representations can be effective for visualizing networks. However, it is very difficult to follow or explore specific paths in a matrix representation. In this paper, we introduce an interactive method for exploring paths on a matrix, called Matrix Snap&Go. Our visualization approach relies heavily on interactive exploration, bringing in the local neighborhood of selected nodes and tracing the path progression through the matrix. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by performing and analyzing test runs with synthetic input graphs of various node/edge densities as well as by discussing a use case based on the exploration of citation networks.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing→Graph drawings; Information visualizationHuman centered computing→Graph drawingsInformation visualizationMatrix Snap&Go: Visualization of Paths on Matrices10.2312/evs.202410585 pages