Fanni, Filippo AndreaDal Bello, AlbertoSbardellini, SimoneGiachetti, AndreaFrosini, Patrizio and Giorgi, Daniela and Melzi, Simone and RodolĂ , Emanuele2021-10-252021-10-252021978-3-03868-165-62617-4855 this paper, we present a work-in-progress aimed at developing a pipeline for the fabrication of shapes reproducing digital models with a combination of standard LEGO bricks and 3D printed custom elements. The pipeline starts searching for the ideal alignment of the 3D model with the brick grid. It then employs a novel approach for shape "legolization" using a outside-in heuristic to limit critical configuration, and separates an external shell and an internal part. Finally, it exploits shape booleans to create the external custom parts to be 3D printed.Computing methodologiesShape modelingApplied computingComputeraided designApproximating Shapes with Standard and Custom 3D Printed LEGO Bricks10.2312/stag.20211487175-179