Arriu, SimoneCherchi, GianmarcoSpano, Lucio DavideFrosini, Patrizio and Giorgi, Daniela and Melzi, Simone and RodolĂ , Emanuele2021-10-252021-10-252021978-3-03868-165-62617-4855 is a widely used technique in the early stages of system design, and it is an essential part of a new product development process. During this phase, designers identify the main functionalities, concepts and contents of the system without creating a fully functional system. This paper aims to discuss the development of ProtoSketchAR, a tool enabling Augmented Reality (AR) prototyping by sketching. The application has different interaction modes, depending on the performed functionality. Basically, it is possible to create 2D/3D sketches to be placed in the real environment and to manipulate them. These functionalities allow the creation of virtual elements that can be used to prototype screens of AR applications. The application is web-based so that it can be run on any device with a compatible AR browser, regardless of the operating system used.Human centered computingMixed / augmented realityProtoSketchAR: Prototyping in Augmented Reality via Sketchings10.2312/stag.20211488181-186