May, MichaelMorris, TimMarkham, KeithCrowther, William J.Turner, Martin J.Wen Tang and John Collomosse2014-01-312014-01-312009978-3-905673-71-5 this paper we propose a framework that will recognise objects from a moving platform using scale invariant features, high dynamic range (HDR) video and stereoscopic depth information. The paper focuses on initial work involving feature extraction from HDR images using SIFT. Initial results show an increase in the number of features extracted from HDR images compared to conventional, low dynamic range (LDR), images.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.4.9 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Applications I.4.6 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Edge and Feature DetectionTowards Object Recognition using HDR Video, Stereoscopic Depth Information and SIFT