Talbot, HugoHahmann, StefaniePatow, Gustavo A.2022-04-222022-04-222022978-3-03868-172-41017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egt.20221060https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egt20221060SOFA is an open-source framework for interactive physics simulation and is being developed for more than 16 years. Today, SOFA benefits from a large international community made up of research centers and companies. The SOFA core has a LGPL license (permissive and non-contaminating) fostering the development of prototypes and products under any commercial license. This half-day EG22 tutorial proposes an introduction on biomechanical simulation with SOFA, covering the main principles of a simulation and its lifecycle. Then, a hands-on session will bring the basis to build your own simulation for medical/VR/AR/robotics applications!Attribution 4.0 International LicenseSOFA: an Open-source Solution for Physics Simulation10.2312/egt.20221060