Abernathy, MichaelShaw, Lindsay A.Lutteroth, ChristofBuckley, JudeCorballis, Paul M.Wünsche, Burkhard C.Robert W. Lindeman and Gerd Bruder and Daisuke Iwai2017-11-212017-11-212017978-3-03868-038-31727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20171348https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20171348Virtual reality exergames provide a compelling distraction from the possible discomfort and negative perception of exercise by immersing users in three dimensional virtual worlds. Prior studies have looked at the effects of immersion in exergames, from the technologies used, to gameplay elements, to sensory stimulation. This study examines the level of immersion and distraction caused by various visual environments, including urban, rural, and desert landscapes, and the effects on users' performance, enjoyment, and motivation. The environments were found to have little effect on the user. It appears that the core gameplay elements have a far greater effect, being essential for the immersion a user experiences.Computing methodologiesVirtual realityHumancentered computingVirtual realityApplied computingComputer gamesHealth informaticsEnjoyment, Immersion, and Attentional Focus in a Virtual Reality Exergame with Differing Visual Environments10.2312/egve.20171348117-124