Neubauer, A.Forster, M.Wegenkittl, R.Mroz, L.Bühler, K.Oliver Deussen and Charles Hansen and Daniel Keim and Dietmar Saupe2014-01-302014-01-3020043-905673-07-X1727-5296 applications of virtual endoscopy require the display of background objects behind the semi-transparent surface of the investigated organ. This paper deals with pre-processing and visualization of background objects for virtual endoscopy. A new first-hit ray casting technique for efficient perspective iso-surfacing of arbitrarily selected objects of interest is described: Visualization is performed without the use of dedicated hardware or data structures limiting flexibility (e.g., polygonal meshes or distance fields). The speedup is gained by exploiting inter-pixel coherency and by finding a near-optimal compromise between reduction of ray-tracking distances and limitation of the administrational cost associated with this reduction. The algorithm was developed by enhancing the previously published cell-based first-hit ray casting algorithm. This paper describes the original algorithm and explains the extensions needed to achieve interactive rendering of background objects.Efficient Display of Background Objects for Virtual Endoscopy using Flexible First-Hit Ray Casting