Leeuw, Wim deLiere, Robert vanGröller, E., Löffelmann, H., Ribarsky, W.2015-11-162015-11-161999978-3-7091-6803-5EG: 1727-5296Springer: 0946-2767https://doi.org/10.2312/vissym19991021The technique for visualizing topological information in fluid flows is well known. However, when the technique is used in complex and information rich data sets, the result will be a cluttered image which is difficult to interpet. This paper presents a technique for the visualization of multi-level topology in flow data sets. It provides the user with a mechanism to visualize the topology without excessive cluttering while maintaining the global structure of the flow.Visualization of Global Flow Structures Using Multiple Levels of Topology10.2312/vissym19991021