Glau, ThomasGröller, E., Löffelmann, H., Ribarsky, W.2015-11-162015-11-161999978-3-7091-6803-5EG: 1727-5296Springer: 0946-2767 rendering offers the unique ability to represent inner object data and to realize enclosed structures ""at first glance"". Unlike software-based methods, the use of more and more available specialpurpose hardware allows volume rendering at interactive frame rates - a crucial criterion for acceptance in industrial applications,e,g. CFD analysis, Careful optimizations and the exclusive use of hardware-accelerated data manipulation facilities even enable volume rendered movies supporting real time interactivity. This article presents the most important features and implementation issues of an OpenInventor-based stereoscopic, VR-featured volume rendering system for instationary datasets.Exploring Instationary Fluid Flows by Interactive Volume Movies10.2312/vissym19991007