Molnar, SamanthaGruchalla, KennyKarsten Rink and Dirk Zeckzer and Roxana Bujack and Stefan Jänicke2018-06-022018-06-022018978-3-03868-063-5 describe a method for visualizing data flows on large networks. We transform data flow on fixed networks into a vector field, which can be directly visualized using scientific flow visualization techniques. We evaluated the method on power flowing through two transmission power networks: a small, regional, IEEE test system (RTS-96) and a large national-scale system (the Eastern Interconnection). For the larger and more complex transmission system, the method illustrates features of the power flow that are not accessible when visualizing the power transmission with traditional network visualization techniques.Visualizing Electrical Power Systems as Flow Fields10.2312/envirvis.2018113963-71