Klocke, FritzStraube, Andreas M.Andreas Kunz and Joachim Deisinger2014-01-272014-01-272003978-3-905674-06-41727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGVE/IPT_EGVE2003/307-308As one of the final steps in the industrial manufacturing chain, machining operations require significant economic consideration. At this stage, design components have already passed through several steps of this value-added manufacturing process. Industrial companies today are using Finite Element Simulations to optimize manufacturing processes, such as mechanical cutting. In order to obtain an increased understanding of the cutting process, several simulations with different input parameters are performed. A new method for comparing these results has been developed and has many potential benefits. In this poster abstract, the comparative visualization of cutting chip formation and distribution of data values, such as tool and work piece temperatures, is investigated using a Virtual Environment.Comparative Visualization of FEM-Based Cutting Simulations in a Virtual Environment