Ezquerra, NorbertoNavazo, IsabelMorris, Tahia InfantesMonclus, Eva2015-11-112015-11-1119991017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egst.19991067The field of medical imaging has significantly changed over the years, becoming both an integral part of health care and an increasingly important area of research spanning many disciplines. As the title of this paper suggests, one interesting result of this evolutionary process has been the fusion of traditionally disjointed yet highly interrelated areas: from computer vision and image processing, through graphics and visualization, to the integration of creative immersion and robotics-based mechanisms for interactively manipulating the information. As a result of these innovations, medical imaging has continued to re-invent itself, fundamentally changing the ways in which we see, communicate about, learn from, and interact with, medical information. With this in mind, the purpose of this state-of-the-art (STAR) report is two-fold. On one hand, the aim is to provide a brief summary of some of the salient methods, results, and potentially powerful trends that currently describe the field. On the other hand, the goal is to outline some of the remaining challenges as well as the possible opportunities. Clearly, the field is far too broad and complex for a single article to adequately reflect the technical depth and extraordinary diversity of even a small portion of these topics. Thus, without any claim at completeness, the emphasis will be placed on highlighting selected frontier research activities and applications, focussing on aspects related to vision, graphics and visualization from an interpretive (rather than tutorial) perspective. In addition to these discussions, a list of URLs of some of the groups actively engaged in medical imaging research is also included. The overall objective is therefore to provide a "snap shot" of the field through a brief summary that will hopefully serve as a useful source of information for those wanting to learn more about the field, and, for those actively engaged in the field, a timely -and possibly inspirational- reference.Graphics, Vision, and Visualization in Medical Imaging: A State of the Art Report